As always, we had some great sailing during Killbear and lots of socializing after the wind was done for the day. Send in your photos of the events.
Some events had so many pictures they've been given their own web page:
On Thursday, we organized a cruise out to the Pancakes. We started off on a run with a light wind behind us from the east. This died when we reached Carling Rock, and we were worried we'd be paddling back! Luckily the thermal started to build, and soon we were beating our way to the Pancakes in a nice westerly breeze.
After we'd finished our picnic, and started heading home, the wind and waves had really picked up. We abandoned our attempt to return through the Canoe Channel, and just ran back to Harold Point.
There were lots of deer this year
And other wildlife too.
Thanks to Aleid Brendeke, Heather Pugh, Lisa and Hanzo van Beusekom for the photos. If you've got some good photos, please send them in.
© 2008 Ontario Mirror Dinghy Association