For many years, many of OMDA members have been getting together to spend the Thanksgiving weekend camping at Killbear. The OMDA Thanksgiving dinner has quite a reputation, so some OMDA members prudently decided they'd better put in a few days of kayaking at Rock Lake in Algonquin Park in order to work up an suitable appetite!
The weather was beautiful, and of course who could resist a sail? Aleid, Heather and Greg went for a cruise to the Pancakes.
Those who didn't sail went for a hike.
There was lots to prepare...
And there were 33 people for the big dinner!
Thanks to Aleid Brendeke, Elke Lingen, Derel Pugh, Paulette Tae and Hanzo Van Beusekom for the photos.
© 2006 Ontario Mirror Dinghy Association