The remains of tropical storm Ernesto hung over our annual weekend event at
Belwood Lake Sailing Club,
and some weather reports leading up to the weekend were pretty dire:
gusts as high as 80 km/h were predicted in some forecasts!
However, OMDA members are made of stern stuff and we had a good
turnout for the weekend.
Sadly, we couldn't persuade any juniors to race on Satuday morning (the weather may have been a factor).
The older OMDA members weren't so easily dissauded from sailing by a bit of rain
(most of us had wetsuits or foul weather gear to wear).
We had some light rain, but there was no sign of lightning and there were decent winds, so we were able
to muster six boats on the start line.
We got in a couple of good races with some tricky winds (lots of short gusts).
Above, the careful observer can see the fine work of the the race committee.
They set an excellent course, especially given the tricky conditions.
There was no obvious bias on the start line, and the windward leg split the fleet:
half stayed on starboard tack, and the other half quickly switched to port tack.
Don't you just wish you were out there with them on Charger enjoying the rain!
The Bienczyk family (Leszek, Mayka and son Mat) showed up on Saturday afternoon with a couple of Mirrors and and a burning desire to join OMDA. Even the AGM didn't manage to scare them off.
The start line for the races on Sunday was even more crowded as Les and Mat joined us on the water for three more excellent races. Mat did pretty well for his first regatta. If he gets much faster, we're going to have to stop giving him help!
Unfortunately, no photos from Sundays race at the moment.
Some of the non-sailors kept themselves occupied with a game of Mexican dominoes.
Of course, in between the two days of racing, we had our pot-luck dinner (in the clubhouse because of the rain), followed by the AGM. If you've got any good photos, send them in.
And of course, after the AGM, we have the rehash!
Thanks to Derek Pugh for risking his cameraphone in the rain on the committee boat, Paulette Tae, Aleid Brendeke, and Hanzo VanBeusekom.
© 2006 Ontario Mirror Dinghy Association